One Thought Away
You are one thought away from...
complete inner peace
deep authentic connection
your happy place
there to here
then to now
You are one thought away from the best moment you have ever had...
Think it, feel it, be it!
The power of our thoughts. I'm 41 years old and it still amazes me how what I think impacts me. Thoughts are powerful! We hear that all the time, and possibly even read books about how to change our thoughts so we can change our lives. And yet, we get stuck in a thinking pattern that holds us back.
Our language is not only a direct result of our thinking but it informs our thought process - like a reciprocal dialogue within self. My children and I were out for a walk with our two dogs. As we walked longingly past our apartment complex swimming pool we couldn't help but wish we could use it. It's truly an amazing pool, and right now the water so still, so clean, and it calls to us! The three of us stop at the fence overlooking the 'welcome center', which is currently closed, and we deeply sighed heavily as if to release our wish out onto the deep end. Just hoping that this summer we will get to enjoy that space again.
As we start to walk away, my son says "why are they doing that to us"?
"What?" I ask
"closing the pool. Why are they doing that to us?" he asks.
My reply, "they are doing it FOR us, not TO us".
He looks at me with a bit of a facial expression that actually resembles a question mark. Literally his eyes contorted and cheek bones raised just so and tilted that he looked like a question mark.
I tried to explain to him that it was for our protection. That the welcome center desperately wants to do its job and welcome. That the the apartment complex didn't close it to be mean, or try to take something away. They did it because it was the right thing to do. Sometimes the right thing to do isn't the easiest or most convenient. Sometimes protection comes with tough boundaries and closed fences.
But as we talked we began to feel into the statement 'they are doing it FOR us, not TO us'. The power of changing one word makes us see a bigger picture, helps us find the silver lining, helps us understand what might be behind or underneath, it helps ease the discomfort, it takes away the power struggle, it allows the allowing. And if we change a word, we change a thought, and if we change our thoughts we consciously change our words. And when we change our thoughts, we change our vibration, and we change our circumstance.
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